My Specialties

The following are a few of the specialties that I work with, although it is not an exhaustive list.

Please inquire or book a free chat if the issue you’re seeking support for is not listed here — we can discuss if I might be a good fit for you; or direct you to other resources or support.

  • Childhood, family, and intergenerational trauma

    I specialize in supporting those that are feeling the effects of their familial or childhood emotional wounds, manifested in various ways in their current lives.

  • Depression & experiences of disconnection or shame

    I specialize in supporting those that are feeling a deep sense of apathy, sadness, or disconnection to themselves and the world around them.

  • Atttachment, relational issues, & couples counselling

    I support those that are struggling with attachment relationships, past or present, and for those in partnership with each other to reestablish trust, safety, and connection in their relationship.

  • Racial & cultural identity challenges

    I support those that are navigating through the complexity of cultural transitions, identity challenges, racial injustices, and the struggle of confronting larger societal systems.

  • Life transitions & changes

    I support those that are in periods of significant life change, where they may be feeling loss about their previous identity, life, or relationships, and to support navigating emotions around their transition, and find peace & meaning in their next chapter.

  • Self identity & self-esteem

    I support those that are seeking to strengthen their foundational sense of self, cultivate compassion for self, discover the wise inner voice that knows their needs, wants, and desires, and develop assuredness & confidence in one’s decisions and actions.

  • Trauma & PTSD

    I use trauma-informed therapies to support and process adverse experiences that have had a profound effect on my clients, so they no longer have to feel that the effects of traumatic experiences are alive in their bodies, minds, and hearts.

  • Personal growth & development

    I specialize in supporting those that are seeking a deeper understanding of their inner world, cultivate greater insight on their blind spots or patterns, and create fruitful conditions for growth and development.

  • Mind-body connection

    I support those who want to discover and strengthen their mind-body connection through experiential and somatic-based therapies, to have greater clarity on the wisdom of their bodies, and live life with a strengthened sense of embodiment.

To find out if we’d be a good fit for therapy,

Book a free 20 minute phone call with me.